Before now, we have been playing songs with Melodies on the right hand alone but today we will talk about Chords. Chords are the basics for creating harmonies in music. With Melody alone the song isn’t yet complete, you need…
Each note in a specific key has a number assigned to it based on its position. In the key of C Major C is 1 D is 2 E is 3 F is 4 G is 5 A is 6…
The Circle of 4ths is one of the most revolutionary tools used in music for many purposes and understanding musical concepts at a glance. The Circle of 4ths is a circle consisting of keys in order of intervals of perfect…
Each Key you learned in the previous lesson has its character or signature, in music, we call it a “Key Signature”. The key Signature is the number of sharps or flats a key possesses. For instance, the key of C…
Did you get the F Major Scale? let’s find out in this lesson. Remember the Formula again The Major Scale Formula: W W H W W W H With this formula all 12 Major Scales (i.e each Major key) Congrats!…
I know the topic you see is not what you expected. Just Relax it’s all for a reason. You can’t properly understand what the Major Scale is and how to create major scales including the C Major Scale I just…
Melody is one of the aforementioned elements of music. it is the recognizable tune of a song. Can you “hum” to Mary Had a Little Lamb? How about “Twinkle Little Star” You just “Hummed” the melody… Yeah it’s obvious So…
Have you ever watched the movie Sound of Music? If you haven’t, it’s recommended that you do it before proceeding with this lesson. Well, you don’t have to watch the entire movie, just about a 10-minute clip of it and…
In the last article, it was noted that no matter how large a Piano Keyboard is it will always have a particular repetitive set of 12 visually unique keys. Remember we have 12 months in the Calendar anytime you want…
The Piano keyboard is a musical instrument with visible Keys/Notes that deliver unique sounds/pitches when pressed. It is worthy to note that the inventor of the Piano is Bartolomeo Cristofori (1655-1731) of Italy. We have various types of Pianos/keyboards ranging…